We compiled a list of frequently asked questions that delve a bit deeper into the program to help employees better understand how to utilize TeleCompCare®, what happens during a visit, and how information is shared with the employer and insurance carrier to ensure proper handling of the claim.
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Related Resources:
TeleCompCare® Claims Savings
TeleCompCare® FAQ
TeleCompCare® Marketing Packet for Employees
TeleCompCare® Marketing Packet for Employees – Spanish
TeleCompCare® Marketing Packet for Employers
TeleCompCare® Medical Help
TeleCompCare® Poster Sample
TeleCompCare® Sample Poster – Spanish
TeleCompCare® Wallet Card Sample – Spanish
TeleCompCare® Wallet Card Sample
TeleCompCare® Simple Workflow
The Benefits of TeleCompCare®
Video: What is TeleCompCare®? – English
eLearning: TeleCompCare®