Reopening Your Business

California has begun a gradual reopening of businesses not previously deemed essential. As you begin to reopen and maintain operations in pandemic times, it is more important than ever to enable a safe and healthy workforce. To assist you during this challenging period, we have created a set of safety resources, found on our Preventing Virus Spread landing page.

Reopening and Disinfection
Use these resources to determine what to disinfect, what disinfectants to use and how often to disinfect. View Links

Physical Distancing
Shared space considerations, flexible work arrangements and worksite access restrictions can help prevent virus spread. View these and other recommendations. View List

Critical Industries
Click through our page of critical industries to see specific back-to-business considerations for contractors, hospitality, home and long-term health care, manufacturing and others. View Page

Printable Resources, Videos & More
Housekeeping fundamentals, steps to properly remove gloves, remote worker tip sheet, pick-up and delivery safety information — find these and more. Resources




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