COVID-19: Recording & Reporting Requirements
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According to Cal/OSHA, California employers that are required to record work-related illness, injuries and fatalities must also do so for COVID-19 cases. At least one of the following must occur for a work-related COVID-19 case to be recordable:
- Days away from work
- Restricted work or transfer to another job
- Medical treatment beyond first aid
- Loss of consciousness
- A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or another licensed health care professional
- Death
For further details and information on how to record COVID-19 cases in your workplace, please visit the Cal/OSHA website or contact your CompWest loss control consultant.
CompWest COVID-19 Resources
CompWest is committed to ensuring you remain as safe as possible by reducing the spread of the virus in the workplace. Please visit our COVID-19 dedicated web pages below for important information, resources and safety tips.
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