2023 Ladder Safety Month

Ladder Safety Month

Falls are one of the leading causes of workplace fatalities and the improper use of ladders is a significant factor. In fact, ladder-related citations are common on OSHA’s annual list of the top 10 most cited violations.

March is Ladder Safety Month, so it’s a great time to encourage the appropriate use of ladders in the workplace.

In addition to the various resources listed below, please visit our Resource Library for additional safety tips.


Safety Short: Ladder Safety

Our ladder safety video provides valuable information about ladder use in the workplace, as well as tips to help keep your team members safe.


Guide to Portable Ladder Safety

When selecting the right ladder for the job, consider the length required, working load, duty rating, worker position to task and frequency of use.


Ladder Safety Poster

Post this in the workplace to remind your team members of the 10 rungs of safety ladders. Available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.


Loss Lessons: Ladder Safety

Through the learnings of a true story, we present ways to mitigate the risks when using a ladder.

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